Your story matters. Let's discover your inner-artist together.

Why Comic Diaries are popular!

Hola! You're in the right place if you have a curiosity about comic diaries.

Services I Offer

I want to show people that comic diaries aren't just for kids. If you like to experiment and have fun, then I'd like to work with you. If you want to find a creative way to deal with the stress of an adult world, then I'd like to work with you.

Looking forward to working with you!

What if drawing could help you find your voice and help you untangle the intricate web of your hopes, secrets, and fears? Would you pick up a pencil and give it a try?

Why comic diaries are popular!

An example of one of my comic diary pages

Hola! You're in the right place if you have a curiosity about comic diaries.Hi, I'm Yawatta Hosby and I love drawing in mine. It's a great way to manage all of my hopes, fears, and quirky ideas in one place. It tells my story and my story has value.Your stories have value too. 20-minutes a day is doable to draw in a comic diary. Your inner-artist gets to have fun as you use your imagination and creativity. You get to focus on you, and it's a simple way of reflecting on your life experiences. Art background isn't necessary. I've seen wonderful comic diaries with just stick figures.I've heard plenty of excuses--Don't have time. Don't have the energy. Drawing's too hard.I promise you that self-reflecting with a comic diary has many benefits. When you get your thoughts and feelings down on paper, then you're able to process it. Once the idea is tangible, then you have a greater ability to tackle it or let it go. You boost your confidence, improve your self-awareness, and challenge your assumptions.When you don't self-reflect, you keep moving in order to keep up with life. With no perspective of what's working and what's not, eventually you burn out. You end up doing the same exact thing, expecting a better result.Life doesn't work that way. Sometimes you just have to stop and take the time to work out what you value in life. Discover what's working for you and what needs to change.I have a dream that people will start following their dreams and doing what makes them happy. I notice too many people live with regret because they didn't pursue their passion due to a lack of confidence in themselves...or they let a loved one talk them out of it. Living your dreams isn't a fantasy. Living your dreams isn't unattainable.If we got our minds right and followed our hearts instead of letting fear or others' opinions stand in our way, we'd all be in a much better headspace. We can't fight hatred in this world if we don't have inner-peace first.Comic diaries give you inner-peace.Let's draw them together.Will you draw with me? Send me an email at drawwithyawatta(AT)gmail(DOT)com, join my Comic Diary Club every Tues 8-9pm EST.

services I offer

I work with all ages. No art background necessary.I offer:COMIC DIARY CLUB
--every Tuesday 8-9pm EST joining a supportive community
-- hosting online comic diary workshops
--hosting in-person comic diary workshops
--hosting parties
--coaching/mentoring beginners interested in learning how to start their own comic diary
--accountability partner to keep a person motivated in finding time to be creative in a busy world
For all my programs, I'll teach you how to draw yourself and how to pick your moments. You don't have to be an artist to enjoy yourself. Just have a story to tell and the courage to put it down on paper. My workshops and classes are small, so I can focus on everyone. You won't get lost in the crowd. You'll be in a safe, affordable environment to experiment expressing yourself through word and drawings.I also have a Patreon page that offers tips and shares my actual comic diary pages to help people get an idea of how simple the process can be. This option is good for people who want to do their comic diary journey alone.If you're interested in working with me, send me an email at drawwithyawatta(AT)gmail(DOT)com.

looking forward to working with you!

What if drawing could help you find your voice and help you untangle the intricate web of your hopes, secrets, and fears?Would you pick up a pencil and give it a try?Hola, I'm Yawatta Hosby and I love drawing in my comic diary. Art journaling has so many benefits:--finding your voice
--reflecting on life
We often let our busy lifestyles hijack our creative desires, choosing serious adulting over having fun. Your inner-artist is yearning to show you what happens when you tap into your own creative self-expression. Live a little and let loose!Join me so I can help you explore a virtual world that you never knew existed. One full of color and creative fun. Enjoy this new drawing experience, stay connected, and have a blast--all from the comfort of your own home (if it's an online meeting).No art background needed. Just bring a sense of adventure, a sketchbook or paper, pencil, pens, colored pencils, paints, or markers.There's no rules! Just discover your inner-artist and have fun!Will you join me? Send me an email at drawwithyawatta(AT)gmail(DOT)com.